Hannah Luxton

Painter Hannah Luxton graduated with a BA from Kingston University and a Masters degree from the Slade School of Fine Art. In 2022 she was elected to the prestigious The London Group art collective. Her work has received support and recognition from the Young Masters Art Prize, Camden Council, Arts Council England), The British Painting Prize and The Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers and the Lynn Foundation. Her paintings are held in private collections in the UK, Iceland, the USA and Australia, including the Tinie & De Hann collection.


Hannah Luxton’s work explores ideas of Animism, which attributes living souls to inanimate objects and natural phenomena and celebrates the spiritual power of nature. Using single pigment oil colours, often grinding her own semi-precious and rare colours such as Malachite and Lapis Lazuli, she works on unprimed linen to signify ideas of a supreme 'nothingness', using simplified shapes, lines and circles to express features of the material universe.