Michelle Griffiths

Michelle Griffiths studied painting and printmaking at Brighton College of Art in the 1970s. Her recent work employs subconscious or automatic drawing, combined with more rational and systematic visual elements. She exhibits widely in the UK and abroad, and has shown at numerous international print biennales, including in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Holland, Spain, USA, Canada and the UK. Her work is included in the public collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum London, Arts Council England and the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Michelle now lives and works in Dorset. She is a member of the Printmakers Council and is Vice President of the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers.


Michelle’s work explores the interrelationship between the psychological and the physical, played out on the surface of her paintings and prints. Her creative process combines rational and organised stages in the development of the image, as well as moments of intuitive action, which are critical to achieving the unexpected and sometimes disconcerting content which is important to the meaning of her works. The way in which we relate to each other and to the world around us informs her images. Her use of motifs, colour and the language of mark-making are intended to be analogies for human interaction, and can be seen as metaphors for facets of human experience.